Causes and solutions of corrugated board dew

The most common transportation packaging products in daily life are corrugated carton packaging, which can be customized according to the needs of different products for packaging, and the material for making corrugated packaging is naturally corrugated cardboard. Corrugated board as a raw material for carton packaging production, its stable production quality is an essential guarantee of the quality of the carton made. ​Thus, today, custom boxes manufacturer wants to share with you the analysis of the reasons for the missing dew in the production of corrugated cardboard and the solution.

Corrugated board wood dew problem is mainly divided into three aspects, the first is in the paper dew. As the name suggests, the paper dew is by the carton inside the side has exposed tile paper phenomenon. The main reasons are as follows: ① the paper is not aligned; ② in the paper preheating shrinkage; ​the width of the paper is not sufficient; ④ too few flying edges. In the face of such problems, we need to adjust the shaftless bracket according to the specific cause of the problem, so that the cardboard left and right alignment; ​if the problem is still solved through adjustment, the tile paper can only be replaced.

The second is face paper dew. The main reasons include face paper width is not sufficient; ​tile paper water content is too steep, too much shrinkage after preheating; ​face paper and each layer of single side corrugated board is not aligned. The solution to the face paper dew tile problem is the same as the inner paper, by first adjusting the equipment to align the board or replacing the tile paper as often as possible.

Finally is tile paper shortage, which is a phenomenon of corrugated cardboard box board paper more than corrugated paper. The main reasons are as follows: ① tile paper than paper and face paper is relatively narrow, for such a problem we can only take the way to deal with the replacement of tile paper; (2) Tile paper edge is not uniform, for such a problem can be adjusted by clamping paper baffle, so that single-sided cardboard and face paper can be aligned; ③ The paper clip on the mechanical equipment bridge scraped off the edge of the single-sided cardboard, and found the cause of the problem. As long as we correctly adjust the paper clip to ensure that the single-sided cardboard does not swing from side to side at the same time, it can pass smoothly.

Above is a tiny series of corrugated board in the production of the causes of the lack of dew and solutions to share. Xiaobian believes that for every manufacturing enterprise, product quality is like the life of the enterprise, which is one of the problems that every enterprise must pay attention to. The layman is a simple corrugated cardboard, its production process will encounter such and such problems need us to solve, not to mention other more demanding products, so there is specialized in this reason, the production of each product is necessary to pay its corresponding "price", each product has its corresponding value.

When it comes to product value, Xiaobian is about to tease. Nowadays, many people focus on the price when purchasing, but ignore the consideration of cost performance. Every product needs to pay the cost of all aspects, its price to a large extent determines its due value; ​many consumers do not want to buy products whose price exceeds their value, so they will continuously press prices and compare prices when purchasing, ignoring the existence of product value. However, on the contrary, we do not want to buy products whose price exceeds their value, and who is willing to sell things with great value at a low price? Of course, this is a digestion. Xiaobian is not to say that we do not recommend price comparison. This has been our inertia of thinking, a time can not alter, but before the negotiation of the price need to have a certain understanding of the product, reasonable analysis, which reflects the importance of product understanding. This point Xiaobian believes that the procurement work is especially significant.

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