2 thoughts on “Can diamond pendants be changed into rings?”

  1. It is OK to change Diamond Pendant into diamond ring
    take the diamond pendant to the jewelry processing shop, and measure the size of the diamond. You can also see how big the diamond is in the certificate
    choose the style of the ring and measure the ring number of your finger. The labor cost is about two or three hundred dollars
    the chains and empty holders of diamond pendants can be deposited with gold, and more can be refunded and less can be replenished.

  2. Can the diamond on the pendant be changed into a ring. The root of the change is to melt the gold part and make a new style. After the diamonds can be taken down, the bare stones can be re inlaid. Therefore, the change of payment can usually be expected. In the process, it will involve the loss caused by financial loss and remanufacturing, but it will not be discarded and can be reused. Hope to adopt

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