1 thought on “How about Chongqing Qiling Culture Media Co., Ltd.?”

  1. Chongqing Qiling Culture Media Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company registered and established in 2018-09-26. The registered address is located at Huayu Plaza, Shapingba District, Chongqing.
    The unified social credit code/registration number of Chongqing Qiling Culture Media Co., Ltd. is that the corporate legal person, Sun Yuan, is currently in a state of opening.
    The operating scope of Chongqing Qiling Culture Media Co., Ltd. is: general projects: approved literary performance activities; model brokers (must be engaged in operations after obtaining relevant administrative licenses or approval); actor agent (must obtain relevant administrative administration must be obtained It can be engaged in operations after licenses or approval); cultural exchange activities organize planning; cultural and artistic performance planning; corporate image planning; etiquette and exhibition consulting planning services; design, production, agency, release of advertising; technology development and technology in the field of network technology; technology development and technology in the field of network technology Transfer, technical consultation; game software development; animation design; computer network engineering construction, software development and maintenance; computer system services; corporate management consulting services; cargo import and export business; business information consulting; website construction; film and television production (must obtain relevant administrative administration (must obtain relevant administrative administrations It can be engaged in operation after licenses or approval); copyright agency services; use Internet sales: communication equipment (excluding radio launch and ground receiving equipment), electronic products (excluding electronic publications), food (must obtain relevant administrative license or approval after approval可从事经营)、体育用品、文化用品、图书(须取得相关行政许可或审批后方可从事经营)、鞋帽、汽车用品、厨房及卫生间用品、化妆品及卫生用品、家具、玩具、母婴用品、 Office supplies, clothing, needle textiles, daily department stores, jewelry, crafts (except ivory and its products), catering management (except for projects that must be approved in accordance with the law, operate business activities with business licenses according to law).
    In I checked in Chongqing Qiling Culture Media Co., Ltd. more information and information.

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