Simple handmade gift production

The simpler the better, the better, such as origami, or some small things with simple materials, the simpler the better

5 thoughts on “Simple handmade gift production”

  1. Handmade wind chime production
    Material: Rolling a roll [1 cm wide

    production process:
    1. Ribbon [30 cm long], and press 11: 19
    to fold it.

    Materials: Ribbon a volume [1 cm wide
    Process: 1. Cut off 4 ribbons [1 cm long]
    will be will will The folded 4 ribbons are put in in turn [long below] and finally tightened after wearing it, like " " shape.

    to fold the 4 long edges of the " " shape.
    This to fold a triangle in a long country, and then fold up 1 triangle
    , and use the above method to fold the remaining 3 ribbons to 2 triangles. It sees the edge near the second triangle and tighten, so that the two triangles are erected on the " " shape, and the remaining 3 ribbons are connected.

    This to wear the 4 long color bands just inserted and wear under the shape,
    In the same way to put in the remaining 3 ribbons. The shape looks like "#" Form, fold 18 such triangles.
    first take two "#" shapes, connect the two ribbons on both sides together, and then take 6 "#" shapes in order to form a ring shape, and then the two upper part of the ring shape can be formed. The middle part of the "#" shape is pressed down, and the symmetrical part below is also pressed down, which can probably constitute the "peach heart" shape.

    takes 2 "peach hearts", and then the symmetrical position of his upper part is connected separately, connecting in other parts.

    to take another "#", connect to the center, turn "Taoxin
    ", use the same way, and use the three "##
    "connected, take 2"#"shape, and the 16 edges are connected, which can form a ball -shaped shape, just do 2.
    In a thin line and "peach heart" in a thin line, and some pentagrams, dumplings, etc. can be skewed in the middle of the line. Hanging a few small wind chimes, the effect is very good).

  2. 1. Card paper
    2, pencil, watercolor or crayon or color lead. Essence Essence Essence Waiting for the drawing tools
    3, pattern, ribbon, feathers. Essence Essence Waiting for decorations
    4, scissors, glue, rubber, ruler. Essence Essence Essence Waiting for the auxiliary tools
    5, the most important thing is the creative subject (such as New Year's Day, New Year, birthday, etc.)
    6, with text

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  4. If you want to show your sincerity, it is best to do it yourself. You can buy some flower paper to pack the things you want to give you your brother. What is helpful in his current career

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