1 thought on “The meaning of the meaning of the ten fingers of wearing a ring”

  1. First, left hand
    1, thumb: represent power and confidence.
    2, index finger: indicates that it is currently single, eager to fall in love.
    3, middle finger: Usually the middle finger of the left hand wears a ring, indicating that it is engaged and already famous.
    4, ring finger: The ring of the lady's left -handed finger is generally a wedding ring, which means that the lady means married. Of course, some people think that unknown fingers are the best in all fingers, so they also like to talk about ring on the ring finger.
    5, little finger: unmarried person, currently single state.
    , right hand
    1, thumb: represent power and confidence, few people wear it like this.
    2, index finger: Women's ring is worn on the right hand ring, and it also means that it is single.
    3, middle finger: some places in China are popular for men and women. Women's right hand wearing rings indicate that girls are famous for girls, or they are already in love, which means unmarried.
    4, ring finger: Some places in China are popular for men and women, and women's right -handed ring rings may be a wedding ring or no meaning.
    5, little finger: divorce, unmarried.
    The psychological meaning of each finger:
    1. Wear index finger, manifested as stubborn, wins, and extreme.
    2, wearing the left middle finger, manifested as a sense of responsibility, stability, and paying attention to the family.
    3. Wear the middle finger of the right hand, manifested as the golden mean, objective, balanced, and calm.
    4, wearing ring fingers, manifested as easy, smooth, optimistic, and ambitious.
    5, wearing small fingers, manifested as inferiority, unconfident, and loneliness.

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