The Best Ways to Support Your Favorite Game Developers

Supporting your favorite game developers is crucial for the continued creation of innovative and enjoyable games. Here are some of the best ways to show your support and help ensure the success of your favorite gaming creators.

Purchase Games Directly

Buying games directly from the developer's website or platform ensures that a larger portion of your money goes directly to the developers. Avoid purchasing from third-party resellers, as developers may receive a smaller cut or none at all.

Leave Positive Reviews

Writing positive reviews on platforms like Steam, the App Store, or Google Play can significantly impact a game's visibility and success. Share your positive experiences and recommend the game to others.

Engage with Developers on Social Media

Following and interacting with developers on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram shows your support and helps increase their visibility. Share their posts, participate in discussions, and provide constructive feedback.

Support Crowdfunding Campaigns

Many indie developers rely on crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo to finance their projects. Contributing to these campaigns can help bring innovative games to life and often comes with exclusive rewards.

Buy Merchandise

Purchasing official merchandise such as t-shirts, posters, or collectibles is another way to support game developers financially and show your enthusiasm for their games.

Recommend Games to Friends

Word-of-mouth recommendations are incredibly valuable. Share your favorite games with friends and family to help increase the player base and support the developers.

Participate in Early Access or Beta Testing

Joining early access or beta testing programs provides valuable feedback to developers and helps improve the game before its official release.

Subscribe to Developer Newsletters

Subscribing to newsletters or mailing lists keeps you informed about the latest updates, releases, and events. This engagement shows developers that there is a dedicated audience for their work.


Supporting your favorite game developers involves more than just purchasing their games. Engaging with them, providing constructive feedback, and spreading the word about their games are all crucial ways to contribute to their success. For more gaming insights and tips, visit ATAS.

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