1 thought on “Douyin live selling gold is fake why you can still sell”

  1. The goldfish on the Internet is mixed with beads. There are true or false. Don't be greedy for small and cheap. Buy gold or go to a physical store to buy it.
    It can be identified before buying, and the way to distinguish the authenticity of gold is as follows. According to the different gloss and colors of gold, you can generally distinguish pure gold, K gold, real gold, fake gold. Gold is better with red yellow, with a color of more than 95%; the positive yellow color is about 80%; the blue and yellow color is about 70%; the yellow is slightly gray, and the color is about 50%.
    If for long -term gold jewelry, there is a saying that "copper turns green, silver turns black, and gold will never change color".
    :: Gold is about double the same volume of silver, lead, and tin. The real gold has a feeling of falling on the hand, while copper or other only sense of weight without falling.

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