1 thought on “The five major customs of Jinjiang Tanabata”

  1. Jinjiang Tanabata Customs 1: Worship "Seven Mother"
    In the legend of the Qixi Festival in southern Fujian, the original intention of the Emperor is allowed to allow the weaver girl to seven days a day, but the magpie is transmitted to the annual July 7th phase. Yes, this is a fault that cannot be forgiven. Therefore, in the early morning of the Qixi Festival, the housewives put the rouge, pollen, bouquets and other things that have been prepared with red cords, throw it to the top of the eaves, and punish the noodles to the Tianhe River for weaving women to dress up. Cowherd.
    At noon at the Qixi Festival, people set up a square table at the eaves to worship the Qiang mother. In the old days, people had to prepare seven plates of fruits and fruits (such as small taro at the time, metaphorically "taro taro grandson"), seven rouge pollen, seven scissors, seven columns of fragrant fragrance, seven wine cups, seven -double chopsticks, small paper sedan Seven times, worship the "seven mother -in -law".
    Jinjiang Tanabata Customs 2: Eat sugar
    Quanye has a cloud: "Seventh and seven maids in July." Quanzhou people said that the weaver girl was the seventh daughter of the emperor, and the seventh daughter of the emperor was It evolved into a "seven mother -in -law"; and the legend of "Cowherd Weaver, Meeting Bridge Meeting" in the Chinese Valentine's Qixi Festival. The southern Fujian people use the two legends to "combine one into one", which together constitute the unique Tanabata customs. It should make the sacrifice sugar from worshiping the "Seven Mother", and there is also a beautiful saying ——————— "It is used to set up the tears of the weaver girl."
    The method of sugar crickets is actually very simple. Use glutinous rice flour and cold water to adjust into the dough, and then rub it into a ball -jump, glass bead size ball; then, press the palm of the hand to rub into a round ball, make it a become a round ball to make it a become a round ball to make it a become a round ball to make it a become a round ball to make it a become a round ball to become it. Flat round; finally use your thumb to escape in the middle, so that the middle is recessed. After the sugar cricket is ready, boil the water, put the sugar, black sugar, and cook for a while.
    The customs of Jinjiang Qixi 3: "Qi Qi Mother"
    Every time Qixi Festival, families with 1 year or 16 -year -olds are the busiest and most busy. Because the child was born in the first year, he would worship the "Seven Mother" as a dry mother, under the protection of their asylum. This is called "new deed". At the age of 16, it is an adult, the foundation is solid, and can be separated from the dry mother, commonly known as "washing the deeds".
    Is when the child is 16 years old, the tribute to worship will be richer than usual. In addition to the above gifts, there are two essentials: rice crickets that are turtle -shaped, representing longevity; and fried 粿. There are also people who worship "three animals" and "five animals", namely chickens, ducks, fish, trotters, etc.
    The customs of Jinjiang Qixi 4: Hanging "Qiang Mom Lantern"
    In addition, it is also important to hang the "Qi Niang Mom Lantern". A custom. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Chen De Shang's "Wen Ling Nian Ji" contained: "Tanabata: ... the family hangs a lantern. One book seven maids god lanterns, one fairy and a crane, a man looks up, and the cloud is Dong Yongjun seven fairies. . There is also a legend of "Fairy Send" in the spring, which means this. "" Qiangniang Mom Lantern "is a long and round lantern with a picture of the seven fairies. Generally, a series of colors are hung below. Flower skewers.
    If there were children born in that year, or a new daughter -in -law who had just married, lanterns began to hang lanterns at the beginning of July in the lunar calendar, or even hanging on the door of the newlyweds of the newlywed couple.
    The customs of the Qinxi Festival in Jinjiang 5: Women's begging
    Quanzhou women's customs, mainly a colorful puppet on the patio, prepare seven plates of melon and fruit, order seven fragrances, use seven stitches, seven silk wire threads In the moonlight, the more the lines wearing, the faster the line, the more cleverly the girl's hand is.
    The customs in Quanzhou areas are rare. However, many overseas Chinese are returning to their hometown today. They often bring the silk threads in foreign countries as gifts to their hometown.

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