How much is the engagement diamond ring? How big is the engagement diamond ring?

How big is the engagement diamond ring more appropriate?

4 thoughts on “How much is the engagement diamond ring? How big is the engagement diamond ring?”

  1. Commanding diamond rings are generally more suitable to buy men's 2-3 months of salary, which can highlight their own minds and not look too stingy. The salary of 2-3 months is more suitable for buying a 30-50-point diamond ring, about 20,000, which is the consumption level that more people can accept. Of course, if the budget is more abundant, you can choose to give her a carat diamond. The caramel diamond fire color and light are yearning for many girls ~
    engagement diamond ring is a promise given to girls by boys, and it is also it. A testimony of love for each other. It is also important to choose a more meaningful diamond ring. For example, the Dmallvoo (Maryla) proposal diamond ring that "men can customize for one person throughout their lives, and can express your sincerity. You can only customize the diamond ring once a lifetime, and you can only give her all your love.

  2. Looking at your own economic situation, you can choose 50 points-one carat with good conditions. It usually takes about 2-4W. Most of the newcomers engaged diamond ring between 20-50. Domestic brands are generally around 8000-2W.

  3. The price of the engagement diamond ring has a lot of factors. The size of the diamond ring you mentioned is one of them. Others also affect the price of diamond ring like diamond clarity, color, cutting and rings. How big the diamond ring is actually depends on how many budgets you have, just come according to your own economic level. Whether it is a few thousand diamond rings or hundreds of thousands of diamond rings, as long as you can express your mind. DR diamond ring men can only customize one life, very loving ~

  4. How much is the engagement ring? First of all, according to your own budget, love, that is, the endless thoughts; love is the care of all the time; love is always thinking about the best for her. Send her a engagement ring to give her a lifetime care! How much money is it for the engagement ring is not important. The important thing is to surprise her and make her like it. A small ring bears love, responsibility, and commitment.
    Hak of the engagement ring is suitable to believe it is a doubt in the hearts of men. The engagement ring is a true belief given to the woman to the woman. Since then, the other party's fiancee and fiance are an important promise before marriage. So how much is the engagement ring? Here it is recommended to take men's economic income as the standard. Starting from the actual situation, you can choose according to your own abilities. How much money is appropriate for engagement rings is a doubt in the hearts of men.

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